A new way of doing tele-therapy
Samuele Filomena
What I am presenting is something completely new in the tele-therapy world of analysis and in describing that, I think, the best is convey you how I got there.
The main difference is that the patient is connecting to my office in London from my office in South Italy, where he physically can go there and find all the equipments (internet connection, a sofa, a computer).
This idea came from my necessity to do my own analysis when I am in Italy and for this reason I set up first a studio for myself and after I thought why not offer this service to local people that can benefit of that.
I have been seeing a patient now for an year and half, and I did some consultations online and in person, and when I am there I see my patient in person.
I choose for the connection a Chrome OS computer that starts in 10 seconds and instead a programm like Vsee or Skype (thatdo not run on Chrome OS) I create a room on Tawk.com, a canadian start-up that runs this server using EasyRTC.
This technology is a browser to browser connection and the set up is very easy.
At the beginning when you enter in the website of my room, in this case www.tawk.com/psicote the programm will ask to set up the microphone and web cam and when this is done I receive the call on my webpage open. The patient cannot see if I am online like Skype or Vsee.
Of course to be in contact with the patient I use Whatapp, for instant message in case of difficulties.
The web page program runs on any machine (Window, Mac, Linux) with Firefox, Chrome or Opera browsers.
For the moment I am doing this in one way from Italy to London, and I did some trials from Lodnon to Italy, where my English patient can go in my office in London when I am in Puglia and it works.
I am establishing now some entry door systems that can allow me to open the door of my office from remotely. I am using DoorBird at the moment in my office in Italy and it works, also I am exploring the possibility to instal some domotika accessories, for example swichting on the light and the clima, etc.
What are the advantages of this system?
There is a physical place where people can go and it can be implemented in remote areas.
Possible application and development.
There are different possible application of this way of working in tele-therapy.
The first that comes to my mind is the implementation of a virtual clinic. A building with rooms and entry codes equipped with the computer and internet connection where people can go and access therapist all over the world.
The possibility for a colleague to set up a room in his/her office if there are some requirements (language, approach, interest, a specific pathology).
Improve the access to people where there are no therapist.
Creating consulting room in cyties and places where it is difficult to find a therapist, that are most the time available in big cities and the possibilities to acces that in rural places.
Virtual clinic